The Rector
The Rector, the official representative of Unime, calls and chairs meetings of the Academic Senate and the Board of Governors. The Rector supervises the university's teaching, scientific and service structures, giving appropriate guidance.
The Rector also acts as ombudsperson for the teaching and research autonomy of the academic body.

Deputy Rector
The Deputy Rector provides support to the Rector in leading the University and replaces him/her in case of his/her absence.

The Academic Senate
The Academic Senate is responsible for programming and coordinating teaching and research at the University. The Senate consists of: the University Rector, the Head of each Academic Department, nine representative of the academic body, one representative of the temporary researchers, three representatives of the technical-administrative staff, five student representatives, one Ph.D. student representative, one representative of post-graduate MDs enrolled in Unime Medical Specialty schools. In addition, the Deputy Rector (consultative vote), the Coordinator of the Board of Vice-Rectors (consultative vote) and the General Director (without voting rights), participate to the Senate.

The Board of Governors
The Board of Governors exercises comprehensive authority over the University's financial management and use of assets. The Board consists of the Rector, three representatives of the academic body, one representative of the technical-administrative staff, two student representatives, two external representatives appointed by the Academic Senate. In addition, the Deputy Rector (consultative vote), the Coordinator of the Board of Vice-Rectors (consultative vote) and the General Director (without voting rights), participate to the Board.
Board members are elected in conformity with rules and procedures laid down under the University Statute. The Board achieves the objectives established by the Academic Senate and controls how administrative funds are distributed, approves the annual budget, authorizes public contracts and international agreements.

Prof. Salvatore Cuzzocrea
Deputy Rector
Prof. Giovanni Moschella
General Director
Prof. Daniela Rupo
General Direction

Board of Vice-Rectors:

Prof. Giovanni Tuccari
Vice-Rector for Medical-Health Field

Prof. Gioacchino Francesco La Torre
Vice-Rector for Teaching and Student Services

Prof. Antonino Germanà
Vice-Rector for Internationalization and Horizon 2020

Prof. Luigi Chiara
Vice-Rector for General Affairs

Prof. Daniela Baglieri
Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer

Rector’s Delegates:

Prof. Marco Centorrino

Prof. Dario Maimone Ansaldo Patti
Alma Laurea

Prof. Angela Maria Mezzasalma
Job Placement

Prof. Giuseppa Filippello

Prof. Rosalba Larcan
Psychological Support Services

Prof. Fiammetta Conforto
Services for Disabled Students and DSA

Delegato Rapporti con il territorio
Roberto Montanini

Delegato Benessere organizzativo
Maurizio Lanfranchi

Prof. Daniele Bruschetta
Sporting Activities

Prof. Maurizio Ballistreri
Relations with Trade Unions

Prof. Giacomo Pace Gravina
Management of the University's Artistic and Cultural Heritage

Prof. Alessandra Maria Falzone
Master and Higher Education

Delegato Formazione insegnanti
Prof. Dario De Salvo

Prof. Adele Marino
Mobility Manager

Prof. Domenico Majolino
Evaluation of Teaching and E-learning

Delegato Iniziative di Ateneo per la premialità degli studenti
Prof. Tindara Abbate

Delegato Iniziative scientifiche a tutela dell'ambiente e del patrimonio marino
Prof. Nunziacarla Spanò

Delegato Rapporti con i Distretti scientifico-tecnologici
Prof. Eugenio Guglielmino

Delegato Iniziative Scientifiche nel settore del turismo
Prof. Filippo Grasso

Prof. Rosaria Maria Domianello
University Library System


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